When it comes to a Magnetic Level Indicator, the Magnet Matters!

There are a variety of reasons that could lead to a Magnetic Level Indicator providing an inaccurate level reading. One of the most common issues is flags being out of sequence. A weak magnetic coupling between the indicator flags and float, can lead to mismatched flags and unreliable level indication.

In the example shown to the left, the operator cannot discern where the actual fluid level is. The operator must manually “reset” the flags or wait for the level to cycle to get an accurate level reading. This can be problematic to personnel who rely on this information as critical to their operation.

What causes this, and how can you avoid this problem?

See below for the Jerguson® Solution.

Maximize Uptime & Improve Reliability with the Jerguson® Magnicator®

Maximize Uptime & Improve Reliability with the Jerguson® Magnicator®
Maximize Uptime & Improve Reliability with the Jerguson® Magnicator®


The Jerguson Magnicator float provides the strongest magnetic circuit of any Magnetic Level Indicator in the market. The unique design features two 360-degree Alnico 8 ring magnets with opposing north poles facing each other. This projects dense flux lines away from the float resulting in a powerful magnetic field around the chamber. This magnetic field can then be used to reliably drive the indicator flags. Additionally, each individual flag in the Jerguson Indicator also has it’s own integral magnet so that they naturally couple together. This further reinforces the prevention of flags being out of sequence.

A strong magnetic field can also enhance the reliability of switches or magnetostrictive transmitters that can be attached to the MLI. Have a high-pressure application requiring a schedule 160 chamber? No problem, a Jerguson float can provide the same reliability as you would expect in a standard schedule 40 chamber. A true testament to the strength of the magnetic field.

Typical floats from other manufacturers often employ a circular array of bar magnets or a single ring magnet. These different arrangements are much less effective at creating a reliable magnetic field. Have you ever had to “recharge a float”? Other manufacturers of MLI’s often use low grade magnets that will demagnetize over time. A Jerguson float utilizes high-quality Alnico 8 magnets that will last the lifetime of the gage.

Magnicator Float
Magnicator Float

If you are having problems with flags coming out of sequence, Click the video below to watch our Two Minute Tip on Flag Indicator Reliability. See why this happens and how to solve it.